To the most important people in a dancers life,
You will be an essential part in your child's dance career. Not only will you have to support them financially and physically, but most important mentally.
I do not come from a dancer or even and artsy family. My parents had absolutely NO IDEA what they were getting themselves into. I started just like most kids where my parents thought it would be cute to watch their 3 year old in a tutu onstage. Little did they know what their little girl would grow up to be.
My mother's most favorite story to tell is what I told her on the way to my very first ballet recital.
"You were sitting in your car seat all dressed and ready to go. You told me, 'Mom, I want to be on stage every day of my life'. "

Being a dancer is all I have ever wanted since my very first ballet class. I did not give my parents an option. Everything I ever wrote for school, drew, dressed up as or did had to be ballet. It doesn’t matter if your child wants to be the next prima or just enjoys moving. Being there for them is everything. Even though my parents didn't know anything about ballet, they knew that I had to dance. That was the most valuable thing they gave to me in life. I am unbelievable grateful for everything they have done to support my dreams.
Kimberly Thompson,
The Redhead Ballerina